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London Somali Action Forum


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London Somali Action Forum or LSAF in short is a local charity that was formed in 2001. Initially its work was primarily focused in advice and guidance for the local community that was settling in areas of East London, particularly Tower Hamlets areas.
More recently, it does focus in skills development for the local community and focuses on:
1. Literacy and Numeracy
2. ESOL Skills For Life
3. Basic ICT
4. Security training
5. Tuition classes for local school children

Our organisation is engaged in skills development that works through volunteers to fight illiteracy. We are unique in the way we bring people together to share their skills and experience, generate insights and ideas and, most of all, take action against exclusion and disadvantage. We use highly effective approaches that helps real people to access our training locally.
Please refer other areas of our website to find more details about our courses
